Lions & Elephants

Albright Lions? Community College of Philadelphia Lions? Are you kidding me? These are two male, Sub-Saharan lions, who we came across on our way to count birds, today. We, also, saw multiple female lions in different locations. The lions use a kind of grunt to signal each other across distances and communicate their location to each other. The lion population is down 30% in the past two decades mainly due to human activity. In addition to lions, we have been overrun by elephants. Apparently, in this part of Africa, at this time of year, elephants are like lanternflys in the northeast U.S. They are everywhere. This is the side of our house on the right. Across the river from our camp. Behind Bridget’s head. Some of the pictures are in our camp and some are outside. The elephants have grown past the amount that should be in the park due to the fact that they cannot travel outside Kruger. We aren’t supposed to walk around the wild area...