Thai - Weekend Sites

We had a weekend of Thailand site seeing that did not disappoint. Above is the Phraya Nakhon Cave with the Khuna Kharuehat Pavilion, which we saw on Sunday. After a strenuous hike, you are rewarded with this view. We will get to more of that later. Let’s go back to Friday. On Fridays, as a part of the Volunteer program, you work a half-day and go to the beach in the afternoon (Am I back in Brazil?). We had a great afternoon on a beautiful beach, horses included. After the beach, we went out with “the kids” to a local restaurant, which still had Christmas trees up!? Happy Lunar New Year! On Saturday, we paid a visit to Wat Huay Mongkol. Thousands of pilgrims visit the temple every weekend to honor Thailand's largest Buddha image of Luang Phor Tuad (1582-1682). He is known for turning salt water into drinkable water (must be a good guy). The statue is 39 feet tall. The statue sits on a pedestal with a wooden elephant on either si...